Instant Policy Delivery
Secure Online Purchase
Range of Working Activities
Six Different Policies
Option to Extend Duration
Cover for UK Residents
Wide Range of Sports
24 Hr Medical Assistance
When making plans to take a holiday trip to Argentina from the UK, it is essential to ensure adequate travel insurance cover is taken out. This travel insurance policy will cover the traveller should loss or theft of property occur, if the need arises to cancel the trip at the last minute or should a medical emergency happen on the trip.
With a range of different policies available to suit everyone, travellers are ensured of the best cover, with the Silver and Gold policies for those away for anything up to 14 days and the Backpacker and Standard policies should the trip be of a more extended nature.
Argentina offers much in the way of adventure activities and should the traveller be planning on mountain climbing or hiking a glacier, for example, it is important to ensure that adequate cover is taken out. While many of the activities are automatically covered, the more extreme adventures may not be. Always check to find out if you might need more comprehensive cover.
When taking a holiday with the whole family or a group of friends, always bear in mind that a group policy will offer an excellent saving. If travelling on a regular basis during the year, ask about the possibility of an annual multi-trip package.